Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Our lives over the course of the last three years have been a never ending change in motion. It’s been so to the point that we no longer make long term plans. Perhaps the whole thing has been to try and teach me to have patience, which I really hate, and to trust that things are going according to plan. And now we are “evolving” yet again.

Nearly 6 months ago in September, as we were getting ready to leave Ennis for the season and head back to our place in South Dakota, we got a call from the contractor who had done some work on the house for us. He asked if we were still interested in selling our place? We told him we hadn’t planned on it, why? He then told us his accountant was interested in buying it. I told him she could come look at it, but we really hadn’t planned on selling. She her husband, their two kids and the grandkids came over the day after we got back to town and fell in love with the house. Seems all of them were living in a two bedroom home and things were pretty tight when it came to room. Our four bedroom home with room to roam outside was a much better fit for them. At that point they offered us more money than we had into it, would pay cash, no realtor involved, but they first had to sell their house. My wife and I talked it over and decided to agree and see what happened. We gave them six months to sell their home, figured if it was meant to be it would happen, and if it wasn’t meant to be it wouldn’t, and forgot about it.

Fast forward to last Thursday. After work I stopped to get dinner at KFC and while I was talking to a friend I got a text saying the buyers had just accepted a full price offer on their home. On Saturday she sent me another message saying their buyers had their financing all pre-arranged and in order and it would close on or about May 2nd. So, apparently us selling our house was “meant to be”.

We have spent the last two summers in Ennis, Montana and loved it there. Last year we bought five and a half acres of land with the intention of building a summer home on it, but it now appears we’ll be doing more than that. The contractor who will be building our new place is booked solid until late summer, so no house this year, but he will be able to build the shop, then next spring we can make the house a reality.
An obvious question is why are you leaving South Dakota? Well, it has nothing to do with not liking it there…it’s a great state. It has nothing to do with not liking the people…they’ve been awesome. It does, however, have a lot to do with our desire to be closer to our kids and grandkids. In South Dakota we were three day’s drive from each of them. In Montana we’ll be one day’s drive. We do love Montana, the town of Ennis, and the idea of being closer to family, but there’s some sadness regarding leaving what we have, but we are convinced that this is what we are supposed to do, so there we go.

I have my ocean fishing trip the middle of October, but right after that I’ll be heading back out to South Dakota to do some duck and goose hunting, so I’m not quite done there yet. And what are we going to do next winter? Well I don’t know. I suppose we decide on that as it gets closer. Maybe we’ll spend some time down in the desert with the bluegrass folks. Hey, at this point I don’t know, and I’m not going to worry about it as I’m pretty sure we aren’t being led in this direction just to be thrown off a cliff.

Only time will tell.



1 thought on “Winds of Change”

  1. Sounds like an ideal plan. It’s good being closer to your family too. As we age we have to roll with what life dishes up. You’re doing that.

    Have a fabulous day and week. 🙂

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